
Hospitals, schools, and buildings
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Hospitals, schools, and buildings

Fujian Normal University

Changle District Hospital

1、Changle District Hospital Sewage Treatment System - Automatic Control, Electrical, Instrument Supporting Project

2、Energy-saving renovation system in the eastern office area of Fuzhou

3、Energy-saving renovation system of Fujian Normal University comprehensive building

4、Energy-saving renovation system of lecture hall of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

5、Fuqing Rongkang Hospital power distribution and sewage treatment system supporting project

6、Ningde Radio and Television Bureau computer room head cabinet renovation project

7、Rainwater automation system project of Fuzhou Airport Phase II Expansion Project

8、UPS supporting electrical cabinet project in the CBD core area of Fuzhou Binhai New Town

9、Gutian Chengxi resettlement housing distribution network automation project

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