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Enter Gui'an Supercomputing Centre


Every day, the server room of the Guian Supercomputing Centre (hereinafter referred to as Guian Supercomputing Centre), located in China Telecom's Cloud Computing Guizhou Information Park, undergoes routine inspections - two maintenance staff shuttle through the data room channels, carefully checking the temperatures and circuits of the chassis, and two technicians test the servers with instruments to see if they are functioning properly. Each check takes about an hour.

The data room of Gui'an Supercomputing Centre has more than 600 servers. The centre is a major scientific and technological infrastructure to promote scientific research, technological R&D and industrial innovation, jointly constructed by the Department of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province and the Administrative Committee of Gui'an New Area, and operated by Gui'an New Area Science and Innovation Industry Development Co. Gui'an Supercomputing Centre, as an important platform for Guizhou's efforts to build "East Counts, West Counts", can be described as Guizhou's "strongest brain".

Gui'an Supercomputing Centre is equipped with a multi-cloud heterogeneous computing network resource scheduling platform, which can link the provincial and extra-provincial computing resources, and open up cross-industry, cross-region and cross-level computing channels. At present, Gui'an Supercomputing Centre has accumulated about 16 million card hours of arithmetic power to Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan.

In 2022, Gui'an Supercomputing Centre provided cloud rendering service arithmetic support for more than 200,000 users in more than 50 countries and regions, and participated in about 50 film and television works with a total of 69 million hours of film and television rendering, including Changjin Lake's Watergate Bridge, Wandering Earth 2, and Three Bodies.

In addition, Gui'an Supercomputing Centre also provides high-performance computing power support for a number of industries, including biomedicine, artificial intelligence, and building earthquake resistance.

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