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Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology: Ensuring Food Supply and Safety in Special Times


Since the outbreak of Xin Guan Pneumonia, national societies have actively responded to the call of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST), given play to their organisational and expert advantages, and united and led the majority of scientific and technological workers to actively participate in the people's war, the overall war, and the battle of resistance to the epidemic, and have played an important role in the prevention and control of the epidemic and in the resumption of work and production. On the occasion of the fourth National Science and Technology Workers' Day, the Association for Science and Technology Reform is launching the column of "Society's Anti-epidemic Style Record" to show you the excellent deeds of the national society and its cadres, workers and members, so please pay attention to it. 

The Party Committee of the Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology attaches great importance to the first time to convey the CPC Central Committee's "Notice on Strengthening the Leadership of the Party and Providing a Strong Political Guarantee for Winning the Battle of Prevention and Control of the Epidemic," conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the central government's unification of the deployment of the CPC Central Committee, and in accordance with the specific requirements of the China Association for Science and Technology, the Society has made the winning of the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic as the most important work of the Society.

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