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Ministry of Water Resources | Notice of the General Office on Accelerating the Work of Unified Management of Rural Water Supply at the County Level (Ban Nong Shui [2024] No. 107)


In order to deeply implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on rural drinking water safety and security, fully implement the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Water Resources on Accelerating the High-quality Development of Rural Water Supply, actively promote the unified management of rural water supply in the county area, make efforts to solve the problems of rural water supply project management and care, and systematically improve the level of rural water supply project management and care, the relevant matters are now notified as follows.

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First, the significance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has always attached great importance to rural drinking water safety and security work. After sustained efforts, has basically built a more complete engineering system, management and care level is constantly improving. However, we should also see that the rural water supply projects are many and extensive, small scattered projects accounted for a large proportion of some rely on the village collective or the masses of their own management, the degree of professional operation is low, the water supply is unstable, the public reflected more strongly. In recent years, some provinces to explore the implementation of rural water supply county management, by specialised companies or specialised institutions to undertake the jurisdiction of the rural water supply county or area unified management, unified operation, unified maintenance, the project to achieve professional management and care, the level of management has improved significantly, the masses are generally satisfied with the good results. Practice shows that the realization of the county unified management is conducive to strengthening the project management and care, is conducive to the overall enhancement of the level of service, is conducive to the rural water supply water quality assurance. Water administrative departments at all levels to further raise the political position, fully aware of the county unified management is a sound rural water supply management responsibility system, to promote the high-quality development of rural water supply is a key means to promote the comprehensive revitalisation of the countryside, build a new development pattern of the inherent requirements, and effectively carry out their duties and responsibilities to strengthen the overall planning, according to local conditions, classified policy, to speed up the promotion. Second, the general requirements targeting rural areas with basic modern living conditions and the construction of livable and beautiful countryside requirements, in accordance with the "government supervision, entrepreneurial operations, professional management, social services" general idea, the establishment or introduction of professional water supply enterprises, accelerate the promotion of rural water supply county unified management, and conditions to promote urban and rural water supply unified management. The overall idea is to establish or introduce specialised water supply enterprises, accelerate the unified management of rural water supply in counties, and promote the unified management of urban and rural water supply where possible. Comprehensively implement the rural water supply county unified local government main responsibility, water administration and other industry sector regulatory responsibility, unified main operation and management responsibility, to water quality and quantity standards, management services to the household as the goal, the establishment of perfect county rural water supply professional management platform, improve and optimise the county unified management standard service system, operation and management system, supervision and responsibility system, service guarantee system, to achieve the full coverage of the professional management of rural water supply Coverage of rural water supply professional management and care, not a single household, water supply projects to achieve benign operation, farmers to enjoy quality water supply services, the implementation of the main body to achieve reasonable returns, the maximum extent possible to achieve the same water supply region, the same source, the same network, the same quality, the same service, the same supervision. Third, the key tasks (a) the establishment of county unified management to promote the mechanism. To county unified management into the provincial rural water supply high-quality development planning objectives and tasks, clearly suitable for the local actual county unified management operation and maintenance, water price formation and water collection, tax incentives, tracking scheduling, supervision and assessment and other promotional mechanisms. Following the principle of "covering costs, reasonable returns, water conservation and fair burden", the price of water for centralised rural water supply projects will be set or adjusted, with full consideration of the affordability of rural residents. For the price of water can not reflect the operating costs, or can not meet the operating costs of 24-hour water supply rural water supply projects, in accordance with the law and regulations to establish a financial subsidy mechanism, where possible, financial subsidies can be included in the annual financial budget and medium- and long-term financial planning, to guide the participation of social forces. Accelerate the installation of water metering equipment, promote water metering and charging, innovative ways of collecting water charges, and improve the rate of collection of water charges. (ii) Define the mode of county unified management and implementation of the main body. According to the distribution of towns and villages, the government's financial resources, population size, project layout and other factors, taking into full account the actual rural water supply projects in the county, scientifically determine the county unified management mode. Integration of urban and rural water supply, rural water supply scale of high degree of counties (cities, districts, flags), relying on urban waterworks, urban and rural water supply companies, water companies, etc., to achieve integrated management of urban and rural water supply. The number of projects, the degree of scale is low or the management of multiple subjects, ownership structure is more complex counties (cities, districts, flags), relying on rural water supply companies, water supply terminus, etc., to undertake the county or area all rural water supply project management and maintenance, but also through the construction of the integrated mode of investment and management to achieve the county unified management. Population living in scattered, small density of Tibetan areas, pastoral areas, etc., can be entrusted to a third-party professional and technical services company institutions to achieve the county unified management. Through franchising, authorised operation, purchase of social services and other ways to determine the implementation of the unified management of the main body, simultaneous signing of the management service agreement, a clear scope of services, standards and requirements and the responsibility of all parties to ensure that the unified service full coverage. (C) do a good job in the county unified management of professional care. County water administrative departments should urge the main unified management to comprehensively strengthen the whole chain from the water source, water plant, water quality, pipe network to the user's full chain of management services, unified management and maintenance, water supply quality, operational services and other standard requirements for the jurisdiction of the rural water supply projects and water supply operation to undertake unified professional management and care. First, improve the professional management organisation. Scientific setting of job responsibilities, the construction of internal control systems, configuration and build professional management and operation and maintenance team, responsible for rural water supply equipment to carry out daily inspections, pharmaceutical distribution, maintenance and repair, emergency repair, water quality testing and other professional operation and maintenance. Second, improve professional management

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